57th CIML Meeting - Agenda and documents



Please check this page frequently,
as the information is updated on a regular basis

Update 2022-10-13:
Meeting and voting guidelines added (V1),
Addenda 16.1, 16.2, 16.3a, 16.3b, 16.3c, 21.3d, 21.3e, 21.3f, 21.3g, 21.3h published

Update 2022-10-17:
Meeting and voting guidelines updated (V2)


Draft Agenda
V 1

CIML Agenda

Working Document
V 1

CIML Working Document

Complete documents set
V 5

Documents Zip

Meeting and
voting guidelines
V 2

CIML Agenda


(as PDFs)
Session 1: Tuesday 18 October 10:00-13:30 UTC (12:00-15:30 CEST)    
Opening remarks and meeting protocol   PowerPoint Item 1
Adoption of the agenda    
Minutes of the 56th CIML Meeting Addendum 3  
Report by the CIML President
Addendum 4 PowerPoint Item 4
Presentations by the candidates for CIML President (2023-2029) Addendum 5 PowerPoint Item 5a
PowerPoint Item 5b
Report by the BIML Director on BIML matters and activities Addendum 6 PowerPoint Item 6
Renewal of the contract of Mr Paul Dixon, BIML Assistant Director    
Discussion on the renewal of the contract of Mr Anthony Donnellan, BIML Director    
Discussion on the renewal of the contract of Mr Ian Dunmill, BIML Assistant Director    
Financial matters
10.1   2021 accounts  
10.2  Arrears of Member States and Corresponding Members
10.3  Budget forecast for 2022
10.4  Report of the internal financial audit team
10.5  Appointment of an Independent Chartered Accountant (external financial auditor)
Addendum 10.1a
Addendum 10.1b
Addendum 10.4
Addendum 10.5a
Addendum 10.5b
Addendum 10.5c
PowerPoint Item 10.1
PowerPoint Item 10.2
PowerPoint Item 10.3
PowerPoint Item 10.4
PowerPoint Item 10.5
Secret ballots
11.1  Explanation of the secret ballot procedure
11.2  Secret ballot for the CIML President (2023-2029)
11.3  Secret ballot on the renewal of the contract of Mr Paul Dixon, BIML Assistant Director
  PowerPoint Item 11.1
Review and approval of draft CIML resolutions (Session 1)
12.1  Explanation of the voting procedure
12.2  Review of draft CIML resolutions
12.3  Voting on draft CIML resolutions
  PowerPoint Item 12.1
Closing remarks for Session 1    
Session 2: Wednesday 19 October 10:00-13:30 UTC (12:00-15:30 CEST)    
OIML publications and technical activities
14.1  Publications for approval by the CIML
14.2  Project proposals for approval by the CIML
14.3  Other technical items for information
14.4  Current status and plans regarding e-learning and online training
14.5  OIML Bulletin

Addendum 14.1.1a
Addendum 14.1.1b
Addendum 14.1.1c (rev.)
Addendum 14.1.2
Addendum 14.1.3a
Addendum 14.1.3b
Addendum 14.1.3c
Addendum 14.1.4a
Addendum 14.1.4b
Addendum 14.1.4c
Addendum 14.1.5a
Addendum 14.1.5b
Addendum 14.1.5c
Addendum 14.1.6a
Addendum 14.1.6b
Addendum 14.1.6c
Addendum 14.2.1
Addendum 14.2.2
Addendum 14.2.3
Addendum 14.2.4
Addendum 14.2.5
Addendum 14.3
Addendum 14.5

PowerPoint Item 14.3
PowerPoint Item 14.4
PowerPoint Item 14.5
OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)
15.1  Report by the OIML-CS Management Committee (MC) Chairperson
15.2  Recommendations from the OIML-CS MC to the CIML
Addendum 15.1
Addendum 15.2a
Addendum 15.2b
Addendum 15.2c
Addendum 15.2d
PowerPoint Item 15.1
PowerPoint Item 15.2
CEEMS Advisory Group (CEEMS AG)
16.1  Introduction of candidates for the CEEMS AG Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
16.2  Report by the CEEMS AG Chairperson
16.3  Recommendations from the CEEMS AG to the CIML
Addendum 16.1
Addendum 16.2
Addendum 16.3a
Addendum 16.3b
Addendum 16.3c
PowerPoint Item 16.1
PowerPoint Item 16.2
OIML Digitalisation Task Group (OIML DTG)
17.1  Introduction of candidates for the OIML DTG Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
17.2  Report by the provisional OIML DTG Chairperson
17.3  Recommendations from the OIML DTG to the CIML
Addendum 17.1
Addendum 17.2
Addendum 17.3
PowerPoint Item 17.1
Secret ballots
18.1  Secret ballots for the CEEMS AG Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
18.2  Secret ballots for the OIML DTG Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
Review and approval of draft CIML resolutions (Session 2)
19.1  Review of draft CIML resolutions
19.2  Voting on draft CIML resolutions
Closing remarks for Session 2    
Session 3: Thursday 20 October 10:00-13:30 UTC (12:00-15:30 CEST)    
International cooperation
21.1  Report by the RLMO Round Table Chairperson
21.2  Reports on OIML activities with organisations in liaison
21.3  Updates by other organisations in liaison
Addendum 21.2
Addendum 21.3a
Addendum 21.3b
Addendum 21.3c
Addendum 21.3d
Addendum 21.3e
Addendum 21.3f
Addendum 21.3g
Addendum 21.3h
Addendum 21.3i

PowerPoint Item 21.1

PowerPoint Item 21.3a
PowerPoint Item 21.3g

OIML Awards
22.1  OIML Medals
22.2  OIML Letters of Appreciation
22.3  OIML CEEMS Award
22.4  Presentation by the 2021 CEEMS Award winner
Future meetings
23.1  Discussion on future CIML meeting locations
23.2  58th CIML Meeting (2023)
Addendum 23.1 PowerPoint Item 23.1
Any other business    
Review and approval of draft CIML resolutions (Session 3)
25.1  Review of draft CIML resolutions
25.2  Voting on draft CIML resolutions
Closing remarks